Valhalla Brewing and Taproom

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Geelong brewery opens to local investors

Geelong based Valhalla Brewing will allow local investors of all sizes to become a part of its history as it launches a crowd sourced funding (CSF) campaign this week. Founded in 2016, Valhalla Brewing has recently signed a lease at the historic Geelong Federal Woollen Mills site in North Geelong and now seeks to help […]

What is equity crowdfunding?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What is equity crowdfunding? So you’ve heard of Kickstarter, right? That’s reward -based crowdfunding, where you make a ‘pledge’ in return for a nominal rewards, like a tshirt or a pre-order of a product a company is getting off the ground. In equity crowdfunding, you are investing into a private, Australian business (us) and […]